Saturday, September 29, 2012

Septic System Operation Practices

                                           Septic System Operation Practices 

These are some common practices that need to be followed to keep your septic system operating efficiently.   

  • Do not dispose of grease, fats, and cooking oils.
  • Do not dispose of Pesticides, herbicides, or any other toxin.
  • Garbage Disposals are not recommended.  If you must use a garbage disposal use it sparingly.  Food waste, grease, etc. should be disposed of in the solid waste bin.  Scrape plates of left over food into the trash and not down your drain.  Food waste represents additional loading the Aerobic Treatment Unit would have to digest, increasing pump out intervals.
  • Do not dispose of paints, household chemicals, automobile fluids, or discard mop water into the system. 
  • Do not dispose of non-biodegradable items such as cigarette butts, disposable diapers, feminine hygiene products, condoms, hair, coffee grounds, rags, paper towels, bandages, etc.
  • Wash loads must be spread out over the week.  Once a week multiple loads and half loads are not recommended. Do not run dishwasher and washing machine at the same time.
  • Do not dispose of citrus products (oranges, lemons, grapefruit, etc.).
  • Do not use additives for septic systems- they do more harm than good.
  • Do not connect other water sources to the system to prevent hydraulic overload.
  • Do not dispose of home brewery waste, strong medicines such as antibiotics. Anti-bacteria soaps and products should be avoided.
  • Do not use strong disinfectants or bleaches.  Laundry products such as: Lysol, Pine-Sol, Tidy-Bowl, Drano, and discharge from water softeners.  
  • Recommended detergents are low-sudsing, low phosphates and biodegradable, with washing soda ingredients.  Fabric Softener dryer sheets are recommended.  
  • Recommended cleaning products are non-chlorine, biodegradable, non-toxic and non-corrosive.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Setting Timers in Septic Systems


Grasslin 24 HR Timer 

Instructions on setting a timer in Aerobic Treatment Units for night spray (sprinkler) application.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

TXDOT Double Headwall

Custom wing walls for double 24" RCP produced for a Corpus Christie Job.  Call N.C. Pipe for your custom precast needs.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Yard Cast Inverts

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

N.C. Pipe Precast.wmv

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Storm Sewer Junction boxes and manholes produced for all sizes RCP

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

N.C. Pipe is now producing round precast concrete manholes

Manholes are built to ASTM standards and are provided with yard cast inverts, boots, pipe seals and required openings for cast iron ring & covers. Please contact us for your sanitary or stormwater requirements.

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